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Global strategy and advertising campaign for Everlight Radiology

Everlight wanted to attract qualified, experienced Radiologists to work overseas, allowing them to work during daylight hours. They briefed Exemplify to come up with an overarching strategy and targeted campaign spanning online display and social ads, the careers section of their website and specialist industry press ads.


  • Strategy
  • CRM journeys
  • Social, display and press ads
  • Website IA and copywriting

For Radiologists, attention to detail is key, and they spend large amounts of their working day analysing scans in detail. Exemplify used this insight to develop a campaign, which inspires Radiologists to take a look at the bigger picture of their lives, thinking about their working location, and how their leisure time can be improved by working overseas, during daylight hours for Everlight. The campaign spanned targeted LinkedIn, Display and Press advertising, directing Radiologists to the Careers section of the website, where Exemplify conducted an IA review and wrote new copy in line with the strategy.